Understanding How Overmolding Works
Many manufacturers are resolving to overmold as they understand the ways in which values on their product lines are being added. It improves the performance, functionality, and aesthetics and lowers the costs of production which is not common today. Overmolding is a procedure of one or two shot that attaches a lean layer of thermoplastic elastomer to the product’s substrate . This outside layer is what forms a grip that is a soft touch that is well known for a broad range of items, starting with personal effects like power tools and toothbrushes. Overmolding likewise decreases vibration and shock, lowers sound, gives electrical protection, assists UV resistance or chemical resistance, and can be a hindrance to dampen and oxygen.
Consequently, several clients are asking to feel this on the items they are buying so the applications of overmolding are expanding continuously. This technology availability further offers engineers of products more choices to form functional and attractive products and continuing to stay on the markets leading design edge. Not all injection molders have the capacity to overmold however good control of several variable, extensive training, and updated equipment is needed for the production run. Even the scarcest varieties can influence quality, so qualified operators are an absolute necessity. The chemical behavior and science material should be understood deeply, because a lot of the knowledge is connected to the used substrate. New paint mixes are always being produced to give absolute properties, like resistance on heat, chemical, UV and hardness, UL standards and clarity.
The main step in overmolding is knowing the right combination for substrate and for strong bonding along with designing the right tools and mold. Keeping the temperature that guides the flow and bonding is very important. If you want strong then you must use gloves so that it does not fail out of contaminations of dirt, skin oil, dust and excessive moisture combinations.
In tooling, vents should be placed well to allow air release from the mold cavity when overmolding. It is unlikely if advanced technology enhances the viability of a product and achieves satisfaction from customers and still lowers the cost of production. The costs are lowered when overmolding can lessen the steps of production. The size of the gate is determined by the shear amounts, material type, flow rate and viscosity may be needed. If the steps are followed the one injection molding process, the overmolding process helps throughput, waste reduction and production cost is lowered. When shutoff is going on the proper designed should be ensured so that the involved materials can lower the curling or delamination risk.