Tips for Doing Devotions with Your kids

Nothing is interesting in this universe, like having devotions. Usually, the devotion time is good to share knowledge about the word of God. However, kids have their ways of having devotion. If you teach kids the bible the same way it is done to adults, they will get disinterested. It requires an excellent preparation to engage the mind of kids to the devotion. Also, it would be best if you did it in a way that their minds can interpret. Most parents frequently fail to include their children in devotion. Below are the best tips for doing devotions with children.

First, use their toys positively when acting bible lessons. Typically, the mind of the kid will understand things based on what it is used to. There is a stronger connection between the child and his toys. Therefore, when they are used as a way of demonstration, the child understands a lot of things. Some bible stories that these toys can be applied include the story of Noah and the Ark. Ensure plastic animals are used during this moment to demonstrate the way they entered the ark. This process can give the kid a visual impression.

Secondly, use gestures when teaching them scripture memory. Kids will always put their concentration when visual demonstrating things. If you recite the verse while standing still, they will lose their focus. Engage them in the process by allowing their mind to see the real world. Sometimes use various motions to recite the verse. Since children love having fun, they will just be following; hence they end up memorizing the verse. Besides, try some other strange voices since they will catch the full attention of these kids. So far, one verse has been suggested the whole week to prevent the children from getting overwhelmed.

Thirdly, during the family worship time, incorporate praise and worship. The music should be part of the family affair during the devotion. There are several songs from which the family can sing. During this moment, use various instruments to make the music enjoyable. A lot of kids love music. Their minds can easily remember the song they heard even if they were younger. While making motions during the singing, the family will have more fun. This should not necessarily match with those motions learned in Sunday school. They should match with those that can engage the family more to the devotion.

Finally, when reading bible stories, allow kids to draw images on paper. This can improve the imagination of the kid. Children are usually very creative at a young age. Typically, when you are reciting stories to your kids, they will visualize images then start drawing them down. During this exercise, they will remember them for a longer time. Besides, allow them to write down prayer requests. This is the perfect time to teach them the importance of prayer by making requests. Also, they can learn techniques for reading various devotion books. But you have to train them in the first place.

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