Ways We Can Adapt To Make Our Planet Better
It is the full responsibility of every individual to play a role in ensuring that we have a better planet. This is because as days goes by, there have been ways we have been doing life that are making people to live in fear of what our planet will become. This cuts across various aspects such as socially, spiritually, environmentally, economically and political wise.
In regards to our social lives, it is upon every individual to be aware that we need one another to have a better community and have healthy relationships. One aspect that we ought to embrace is Love and valuing one another. It is unfortunate that there has been discrimination in most of our regions which is based on different aspects such as financial status, race, ethnicity, beliefs and Culture. We ought to embrace the unique differences that we all have to get to live in a community where there is unity.
There are also social responsibilities that we need to embrace as individuals. One key element is getting to Embrace the values that make us a better community. There has been moral decadency where some morals and principles have been long forgotten. This has been seen from how people do life which is evident areas such as work places, families and relationships. It is therefore important for people to start being nurtured and taught on principles to embrace when they are still young.
When it comes to environment, there is a social responsibility that you ought to play individuals. One key element is to ensure that we take it as a personal role to keeping our environment clean. It is evident that there has been a lot of pollution happening in our natural environment which has gone ahead to degrade the value of our planet. We have experienced global warming ,our natural water resources have become polluted and others have gone ahead to drying up due to the actions that we have been taking. It is therefore upon us to take actions that will conserve our environment which will go ahead and have an influence on our health.
It is evident that we have to engage in economic activities to help us earn a living. A planet where the economy of different regions is not performing well, becomes stressful to individuals living in it. One element is to ensure that we have individuals who work smart and are committed to the tasks that they have. This can be attributed by the commitment given to becoming experts and gaining experience to be able to perform our best. This will therefore ensure that we will operate as experts in every field that we find ourselves in ,hence getting quality and better outcome. When it comes to economic activities, we ought to be careful to ensure the outcome is not to become a hazard to our environment. This is where greed for fame and power should not be the driving Factor but rather Being Humane to be mindful of every action that we undertake.