You might have gained a new interesting in God and if you have, that is really wonderful becuase everyone should know about Him and His wonderful works that He as done. You might want to go to a church that studies the Word of God in order to really learn more of spiritual things. The good thing to know is that there are many churches out there that teach the Word of God and you can really learn a lot from them. When looking for a church, you should find one that really teaches on the Bible and the Word of God so that you can be sure that you are learning the right things because there are many churches out there that are confused about what to preach on.
When you are looking for a good church, make sure that you find one that believes in the God who created the universe and who inspired the writings in the Bible. You should find that church that follows the Declaration of Faith and that believes that God is eternally existing in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When you find such a church as that, you can trust that they will teach you what you need to learn about God and the Bible. You can gain a lot of knowledge so if you have always been so curious to learn about how you can obtain eternal life, you should go and seek out those churches. You can really fill that hunger that you have inside of you when you listen to those sermons preached about God.
You will get to meet a lot of good pastors at such churches and that is really good to know. Those pastors will help teach the flock about how to live a life that is pleasing to God and you can really learn a lot from their preachings. You can go to church every Sunday to listen to the preaching of the Word of God and really learn a lot from it. You might want to talk to those pastors if you have questions after the services. You can get them to pray for you and they will be very glad to do so. If you have any questions about the Bible or about God, they will listen to you and answer the questions however they can whilst keeping the Bible close at hand to use for reference.
If you would like to become a member at a certain church, you might have to live by their standards and show that you are truly a convert and one that is wholly willing to serve and to give your life to the church. There are many wonderful churches that you can find out there and when you do find them, you will really benefit from it spiritually. You will also get to make new friends there and learn to love the bigger family that God has given to you in spirit and in truth. If you would like to learn more about the churches that you find, you can always search them up online and get to know about them more.